Get a great night’s sleep
We know that sleep apnea causes multiple health concerns and even health conditions. Most of the time sleep apnea is caused by obstruction. Typically because the patient’s tongue, as they fall asleep, it relaxes, and it goes right back to the to the throat, cuts off their ability to breathe. We have the cone beam CT, so it’s a three-dimensional X-ray that allows us to even map out the airway of the patient. So we can see where soft tissue and bone kind of meet, so that we can actually design appliances to help get that obstruction out of the way. That is an incredible benefit to the patients’ ability to get through their day.
When they can have a nice restful night’s sleep, they can then function during the day without feeling tired all the time. Their health improves. We’ve shown that it increases people’s ability to even lose weight, to gain a healthier lifestyle. If you are suffering from the inability to stay awake during the day, feel tired all the time, low energy, if your significant other is constantly waking you up, trying to get you to breathe, or to get you to stop snoring, it’d be a wonderful opportunity for us to be able to sit down. We can go through the different options because there are many options that are comfortable and that are effective.